AGM Minutes - 20th June 2024

1 August 2024

AGM Minutes - 26th June 2023

27 June 2023

AGM Minutes - 5th July 2021

22 November 2021

AGM Minutes - 6th June 2022

5 July 2022

League Minutes - 1st August 2022

22 August 2022

League Minutes - 3rd April 2023

6 September 2023

League Minutes - 4th March 2024

20 March 2024

League Minutes - 4th September 2023

15 December 2023

League Minutes - 5th September 2022

20 September 2022

League Minutes - 6th February 2023

21 February 2023

League Minutes - 6th November 2023

7 November 2023

League Minutes - 7th November 2022

26 November 2022

League Minutes - 8th August 2024

26 August 2024

League Minutes - 6th February 2023

Roll Call - The meeting was held on Microsoft Teams therefore the register was taken from the attendees confirmation and checked accordingly confirming all clubs represented in the meeting. The following clubs were not in attendance therefore they will incur a fine as seen in the fines tariff in the League Handbook for no attendance at the League Meeting – Askern Welfare & Upton United

Minutes from meeting held on 7th November 2022 was read out to all clubs present and accepted. Proposed – Walton United, seconded – Penistone Church

Updates from last minutes – We have seen a massive improvement regarding the content seen on the WhatsApp groups across all ages, thankyou for your support. Fixtures and postponements – There has been several games cancelled both pre and post-Christmas due to the weather and council pitch closures. The league agreed that if 75% of all games where cancelled, then they will be rescheduled, this has been updated and all fixtures postponed have been rescheduled.                                                                                       

Squad Sheets – Team sheets – All clubs are reminded of the importance of checking squad sheets and prior to kick-off, not during or after the game has commenced. No squad sheet no game its as simple as that. The team at fault will be fined according to the fines tariff and the game will be awarded to the opposition. Gavin also reminded all teams to complete the team sheets properly and put the referee’s name and fan number on the sheet with the correct result in accordance with the home and away teams. Please ensure that if you are the Away team that you complete the Away section of the team sheet and put your results the correct way round. If you are completing separate team sheets, make sure you put the referee details on both team sheets and again, complete the relevant section i.e.. Home Team to complete the home side section, the Away team to complete the Away side section.

WhatsApp Groups - As a reminder, please only text between the times of 8am and 8.30pm. The WhatsApp groups should only be used for match information, for example, kick of times, fixtures updates, results and general enquiries, the groups are not to be used for any other issues causing unrest. These should be addressed in a private message to either the fixture secretary or any member of the league management team. Teams.

Player Registrations – Player registrations and Transfers will close on the 28th of February 2023.  Karen advised Managers that she will send a WhatsApp message for new registrations to confirm that the player is ready to be processed. Once the message is received, can Managers send the registration fee. Upon receipt of the payment, the player will be registered. If any managers require their squad sheet printing and laminating, please speak to Karen.                                           

DBS & Safeguarding - There is also an increase in Managers not having DBS & Safeguarding qualifications. Managers should not be in the technical areas or coaching without the relevant qualifications. The FA are increasing their visits to clubs on match day and /or training sessions and are in the processes of looking do be doing in house health checks. The FA also have created a new Safeguarding Unit based in Leeds who are making calls to Clubs and advising them that there are managers who have DBS and SAFEGUARDING Qualifications that are either due to exp ire or have expired and therefore should not be coaching etc. They can suspend a club if a manager does not have the minimum qualifications in place. Managers also need to ensure that they are completing the correct Safeguarding course. The correct course for completion by Managers/Coaches is Safeguarding for Children for anyone over the age of 18. Anyone waiting for their DBS can speak to Clare MacRory if outstanding. The relevant links can be found on the League Website under Resources. If anyone needs there is checking for verification for your DBS, Gavin can verify them. Please contact Gavin to arrange an appointment, this will be during the day only on either Monday or Friday mornings.

League Division & KO times - Kick off times must be communicated by Tuesday evening 8pm latest. It is important that KO times are communicated to the League in case either the League or the FA wish to visit Clubs and observe matches. Cup Formats will be introduced across the board and will commence from mid to late January.

Teams playing above the correct format – It has been brought to the Leagues attention that some teams are requesting that the opposition team play in a format different to that of the FA Rules, i.e., if you play 5v5, you cannot request that the opposition play 7v7. DO NOT ask the opposition to play a different squad size to that communicated in the FA and League Rules.

CFA Updates – The CFA confirmed they are doing house checks on all clubs, checking you have the FA Club Accreditation which has replaced the Charter Standard, this is a mandatory requirement for all Club and Team Affiliations, if your club doesn’t have this accreditation or are in the process of getting it, you will not be allowed to play in any league with the FA League Accreditation.

Gavin informed all clubs the SHCFA have appointed Fern Morgan who will be leasing with all leagues and supporting us with future development. Also advised all clubs present about funding opportunities available to clubs, these include Weetabix Wildcats – for girls aged 5 to 11. £900 funding over 2 years, Squad Girls Football, girls aged 12 to 14. Also £900 funding over 2 years, for further information contact the SHCFA or go onto the CFA Website for the application requirements,

The BDJFL will also be supporting  the FA initiative on the 26th February asking all clubs/teams to support the Silent Support Weekend on Sunday 26th February. This gives the opportunity for the players to do the talking, with the parents and supporters showing there support through applause only.

Cup Returns – 2021/2022 season – The management team will be contacting all clubs and teams who received cups last season to return them in good order and engraved accordingly to be returned no later than the 6th March 2023. Failure will result in the league issuing an invoice for a replacement cup. (approx. cost between £60 and £85 per cup)

Remaining Divisional Fixture – All age groups from U7s to U11s was informed all remaining fixtures will be completed between the 19th February and the 5th March except for an odd fixture. The U12s and 13s will continue into March. Once these fixtures are concluded except for the 12s and 13s will begin the Supplementary Cup Groups, these groups will be confirmed in the next 7 to 14 days. The groups will comprise of no more than 5 teams in a group and play each team once only. Once the groups are completed all teams will be moved to the knockout stage of the competition. Gavin informed each age groups of the format, group number based on total teams in each age group and how the knockout stage will be divided into to groups. Fore example U7s have 17 teams, these will be put into 3 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5 teams, all play each other once. Teams in the group position 1st and 2nd move to knockout group A (4 groups = 8 teams) those teams in 3rd, 4th and 5th place (4 groups = 9 teams) move to knockout group B. Both knockout groups will be put into a live draw and numbered accordingly. These groups will not be altered and are expected to be played, failure to complete any games will result in a fine and game awarded to the opposition.

Next meeting – Monday 6th March 2023 – Barnsley Metrodome, Rigby Suite  19.30pm

Yours Sincerely

Gavin Logan – League Secretary

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